These are acrylic paintings done on wood. They are now owned by Counter, a restaurant in Charlotte, NC.

These are acrylic paintings done on wood. They are now owned by Counter, a restaurant in Charlotte, NC.

24X30 Acrylic on Canvas (with some collage)

36X48 Acrylic Painting Canvas

24X36 Acrylic Painting (and Mixed Media) Canvas

2ft X 5ft Acrylic Painting

36 x 48 Acrylic Painting on Canvas

24X36 Acrylic Painting and Mixed Media Canvas

Acrylic Painting on Spray Cans

30X40 Mixed Media Wood

24X30 Acrylic Painting Canvas

24X30 Acrylic Painting Canvas

8 x 10 Watercolor Painting on Paper

Watercolor Painting on Paper

Acrylic Painting on 36 X 48 Canvas

Painting is 33.5in X 46in (W x H) This painting is painted over an old South Mecklenburg High School facilities map. The image is of a boy juggling Rubik's Cubes, signifying the various things students and teachers seem to juggle throughout the school year. When one problem is solved, there is always another, juggling one project to the next while still being shifted by the educational puzzles we find ourselves in.

Spray Can Sculptural Art is 29in X 5in X 36in (LxWxH) This sculptural work was created in collaboration with several of my current students. Students painted 6-7 of the overall cans and I completed the rest. I asked them to paint a can that reflected them, as a self portrait, illustrating their perception of education and they could only use Rubik's Cube colors. The works, in collaboration with my own, depict various view points regarding education, art education, politics, and paradigms.

Two 18X24 Acrylic Paintings (and Mixed Media) Canvas

Acrylic Painting on 18 X 24 Canvas

24 x 36 Acrylic Painting on Canvas Framed in Select Pine

15X30 Acrylic Painting Wood

15X30 Acrylic Painting Wood

15X30 Acrylic Painting Wood

24 X 36 Acrylic Painting
The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist, Ashley Graham, is obtained. These images are copyrighted and may not be downloaded or reproduced. All rights reserved.